27 November 2018, 12:09

Presentation of the AS Monacœur program

Presentation of the AS Monacœur program

AS Monacœur is a program led by AS Monaco in favor of younger generations and foundations that enhance the well-being and happiness of children.

AS Monacœur was launched in November 2017, in support of the Monegasque foundation Les Enfants de Frankie. Sports and especially football have the power to provide incredible thrills and give children the opportunity to escape from their daily lives and dream with their eyes wide open. The Club has therefore dedicated most of its programme AS Monacœur to providing happiness to the younger football players and fans of the principality.

AS Monacœur was launched in November 2017, in support of the Monegasque foundation Les Enfants de Frankie. Sports and especially football have the power to provide incredible thrills and give children the opportunity to escape from their daily lives and dream with their eyes wide open. The Club has therefore dedicated most of its programme AS Monacœur to providing happiness to the younger football players and fans of the principality.

The AS Monacœur program includes a broad range of initiatives focusing on education, charitable and social sector, which are regularly offered by the club:

– Support foundations
– Interact with regional football clubs
– Visit children in hospitals
– Academy players meet with local foundations
– Collaborate with the Monegasque Ministry of Education
– Collaborate with neighboring municipalities
– Create unique fan experiences

Since several seasons, AS Monaco has been transmitting the values of the club, delivering a message of hope to the younger generations of the region and fulfilling the fans dreams. As we believe that this is part of our mission. To further enhance these initiatives, we have decided to regroup and intensify them through a global program AS Monacœur.
Dmitry RybolovlevPresident of AS Monaco
Players visit the pupils of the Principality of Monaco on a regular basis.
Yuna’s dream was to meet Bouba, AS Monacœur got to fulfill her dream.
On match day, a guided tour was organized for the young members of AS Monaco.
AS Monacœur strengthens links between fans and players.
Le Tournoi AS Monacoeur a réuni tous les clubs des communes limitrophes de la Principauté
Quand la technologie permet à un enfant hospitalisé de vivre le match de l'intérieur.
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Do you have a question regarding AS Monacœur? Would you like to suggest a project for the program?

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