Press releases 04 August 2020, 15:00

AS Monaco and Triangle Interim extend their partnership

AS Monaco and Triangle Interim extend their partnership
Partners since 2013, the Principality club and the company specializing in temporary work have extended their relationship until 2022.

AS Monaco and Triangle Interim are pleased to announce the extension of their partnership until June 2022. This agreement, which makes Triangle Interim one of the club’s oldest and loyal partners, also marks a new stage in the relationship between the two entities.

A presence on the Red and White jersey since 2013, Triangle Interim’s logo will now be displayed on the shoulder of the jersey worn by the men of Niko Kovac.

By extending this relationship that began more than seven seasons ago, the company specializing in recruitment is pursuing a dual objective: to strengthen the attractiveness of its brand and to accentuate the development of its activities in the Principality, in France and internationally. .

We are very happy to have Triangle Interim by our side for a further two seasons. This extension in this very unique period places a lot of emphasis on our common history, and demonstrates the attachment and the trust that unite us.
Tyson HenlyCommercial Director, AS Monaco